Thursday, February 2, 2023

Greek settlements in Montenegro date back to the Classical period - here's a look

Greek colonisation. (2023, January 20). In Wikipedia.
Ancient Greek settlements in Montenegro have a long and rich history, dating back to the Classical period of Greek civilization. In the Archaic and Classical periods, Greek colonies were established along the Adriatic coast, including in present-day Montenegro. These colonies were established by Greek city-states such as Corinth, and Syracuse and were primarily involved in trade and commerce.

Some of the major Greek city-states and their colonies in the area include:

Corcyra (modern-day Corfu), which founded colonies on the nearby coast of Epirus.
Syracuse, which founded colonies in southern Italy and Sicily.
Epidamnus (modern-day Durrës in Albania), which was founded by Corcyra and became a major trading center.
Apollonia (modern-day Fier in Albania), which was also founded by Corcyra and became an important center of trade and culture.
Dyrrachium (modern-day Durres in Albania), which was founded by Corinth and became an important port and commercial center.
Korkyra Melaina (modern-day Kotor in Montenegro), which was founded by the Corinthians in the 4th century BCE.

The Greek colonization of the area of today's Montenegro began in the 4th century BCE when the Corinthians founded Korkyra Melaina (modern-day Kotor) as a trading post and a strategic military base. The colony prospered and became an important center of trade, culture, and philosophy. Other Greek city-states, such as Apollonia and Dyrrachium, also established colonies in the region, and their influence can still be seen in the area's architecture and culture today.

The Greeks established several important settlements in Montenegro, including the city of Rhizon, one of the most important centers of the Illyrian kingdom and later became a Greek colony. Another important settlement was Olcinium, located near modern Ulcinj, a thriving center of trade and commerce in the ancient world.

Throughout the Hellenistic period, these settlements continued to thrive and expand, with new colonies established along the coast and in the region's interior. During the Roman period, many of these settlements were incorporated into the Roman Empire and became important centers of Roman civilization in the region.

Despite the influence of the Roman Empire and later the Slavic peoples, the Greek cultural legacy in Montenegro has endured to the present day. This is evident in the numerous ancient Greek sites, such as the remains of the city walls, temples, and public buildings, that can still be seen in many parts of Montenegro.

Overall, the history of ancient Greek settlements in Montenegro is a testament to the enduring influence of Greek civilization in the region and reflects the rich cultural heritage of this part of the world.

Here is a ilustrative list of some of the most significant ancient Greek sites in Montenegro:
  • Rhizon - an ancient Greek colony and one of the most important centers of Illyrian culture.
  • Olcinium - an ancient Greek settlement near modern-day Ulcinj, a thriving center of trade and commerce in the ancient world.
  • Doclea - an ancient city founded in the 3rd century BCE and became an important center of Illyrian and later Roman culture.
  • Kotor - an ancient city on the coast of Montenegro founded as a Greek colony in the 4th century BCE.
  • Budva - a coastal town believed to have been founded as a Greek colony in the 5th century BCE and was known for its prosperity and rich cultural heritage.
  • Stari Bar - a former settlement inhabited by the Illyrians and later by the Greeks and Romans.
  • Podgorica - the modern-day capital of Montenegro, known in ancient times as Birziminium, was an important center of Illyrian culture.
These ancient Greek sites provide a fascinating glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Montenegro and offer a window into the rich and diverse history of the region. Whether you are interested in ancient history, archaeology, or simply in exploring the beautiful landscapes and cultural heritage of this part of the world, these sites are well worth a visit. Additional detaiels on Greek history in Montenegro you may find at:



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Greek settlements in Montenegro date back to the Classical period - here's a look

Ancient Greek settlements in Montenegro have a long and rich history, dating back to the Classical period of Greek civilization. In the Arch...
